A lot of people make New Year Resolutions. I am NOT one of them. But I did think of something new to do in 2019: blog about the pictures I color each month. I really enjoy watching Youtube videos from my favorite colorists showcasing completed images each month.
Now I don't have much of a channel but I do have a blog right? So, here's the first post in what will - hopefully - become a monthly series. If anyone is interested in what colors I used, the swatch is right there in the photos.
Completed Pictures from Jan 2019:

For my first picture of the year, I didn't feel like getting into an elaborate project. I just wanted to straight color with markers in one of my cheapo coloring books. I used my Touch markers as usual and didn't bother with shading on top.
The second picture was something I'd been wanting to do ever since I first saw
Jazz_Funk show off the color combo for antique gold on her channel. I love the color combo and would love to try this on an actual gold object!

All of January, I felt like working in Secret Garden. Don't ask me why. So the next 3 completed pictures are from the same book. The first picture I did with FC Pitt Pens which work really well on this paper. I feel like I'm more comfortable with the pens this time around. The facing page was also done with the Pitt pens and I think this latest one was much better.

After using the Pitt pens, I didn't feel like going back to pencils yet. So I tackled another page with fineliners. The entire page was filled with leaves but this time, I didn't want the usual green leaves. So I colored the page with everything from pinks and purples to blues and teals. No brown or green in sight!

The final page I colored in January was the butterfly maze. It's the last maze picture in the entire book. This time, I went in with greens, purples, and oranges. I wanted only secondary colors on this picture. I also used pastel sticks to create a fairy trail through the maze to the door at the end. I learned this from
Frances on Youtube. At first, the pastel trail didn't look very good but then I added the stars and dots with white, metallic and sparkly gel pens which brought the page to life.