
Conquer your coloring fears

Coloring is one of my many hobbies which include reading, gaming, and cooking. But you know my favorite part about coloring? It's not expensive to get started and anyone can join in. You don't need a high-end computer or expensive tools. Adult coloring has been a huge trend for the past few years but as everyone around here knows, I stumbled into it completely by accident. My journey began over three years ago and I've discovered a lot of things along the way. There was a time when I was afraid of making mistakes, using up my art supplies or even spoiling a brand-new book with my less-than-excellent coloring skills. I've conquered some of my fears since then and am working on others. But I'm sure that many colorists share at least some of the same fears. So here are a few tips on conquering your coloring fears! Fear of making mistakes This is a biggie. I'm pretty sure every colorist has had the same fear at one point or the other. How did I get over ...

Completed Pages - March 2019

Why I love coloring

Completed Pages - January 2019

Tropical Wonderland

Selecting colors

Color harmonies

The theory of color


Add some sparkle to your coloring books

Jasmine Becket-Griffith coloring book

Coloring to sketching?

Terry Pratchett's Discworld coloring book